Sharing our local market expertise and the latest news from London and the property industry.
How well do you know your Tenants?
Discover how we ensure the safety and security of our Landlords' investment properties through the use of innovative technology.
Our partnership with SUPERHOG, a leading global digital trust platform, allows Landlords to confidently transact with guests and tenants, protecting the high-value properties we manage in London. Additionally, we utilize MINUT, a device that monitors noise, occupancy, and security, providing valuable insights into property usage.
What benefit is Landlord insurance?
We have a fantastic track record in finding great tenants for the portfolio of properties that they manage. However, it’s important to have the right protection in place should a tenant or property present unwelcome and unexpected challenges.
We’ve partnered with Aston Lark, experts in landlord insurance, to help you make sound decisions.
UK property mortgage for non-residents
Financing can be harder for non-residents compared to UK borrowers. To cater to our mostly foreign clients who are investors and homeowners, we provide them with a detailed UK mortgage market update from their point of view.
We have decided to feature and share with you the expertise of Enness Global, a leading mortgage broker that specialises in high-value mortgages and helps individuals and companies looking to purchase UK property by providing competitive rates and terms for their mortgages.
Navigating Winter risk
At Garrington Asset Management, the team ensures that winter preparations are top of our list. We understand the importance of safeguarding your properties during the colder months and we're happy to share with you key insights and expert tips to help you effectively manage the potential risks associated with winter.
Ensuring privacy and security
Garrington Asset Management’s hands-on approach eliminates the risk of unauthorised sub-letting and gives investors confidence their properties are in safe hands 24/7. We are happy to have recently been introduced to UMBRA International and are excited to share their business with you.
Summer short-lets in London
Summer 2023 was undoubtedly the best season since 2019 when it comes to occupancy, rates per night and income, as well as a near 100% 5-star review track record, which we are especially proud of. To celebrate we are sharing some data on this summer’s Prime Central London short-let returns and achievements with you, our business community.
Why working for us is great for our clients
The level of customer service Garrington Asset Management can provide is incomparable to a larger beast of a business. We focus on understanding our Clients’ needs, building rapport and a relationship on a more personal level with our clients, who in turn trust us to always deliver a five-star level of service.
How to protect against Cyber crime
Recently in the UK, it’s come to light that a landlord’s property was sold without his consent or knowledge. Through one simple form HM Land Registry will put a restriction on your title deed, meaning that a sale can’t be registered on your property’s title deed without your lawyer’s authorisation. This means your property can’t be sold without your lawyer’s consent. Problem solved.
Renters Reform Bill
We want to share three important topics related to landlord and tenant law that have recently been announced.
The UK Government proposed the Renters Reform Bill in May 2023, which plans to deliver "once-in-a-generation" reforms that aim to deliver "safer, fairer, and higher quality homes".
So what does this mean for Landlords? And what does this mean for tenants?